About One Meal


One Meal 是由一群持有共同理念的專業運動員及營養師所創立

One Meal 的所有制成品都選用天然外國進口食材,制作過程絕無使用額外化學添加劑,同時使用商業認證的冷凍技術,令我們可在無任何防腐劑的情況下保存食物最佳質素14天。我們除了有送貨服務,還有環保保溫小袋能方便攜帶外出,適合各界人士。One meal 為你踏上塑身餐單之旅,多添一份方便,多添一份新鮮感,減少多樣煩惱

在健身熱潮下 不論男女都以運動配合飲食雙管齊下 去為理想既身型而努力

都市人繁忙的工作模式與排山倒海的應酬,食不定時既現象見慣不怪, 對食物的要求亦隨之降底, 更可況是跟健康餐單飲食呢?

但往往在準備飲食餐單方面總令人卻步。由餐單款式設計,購買食材,到烹調,到能量的計算,花上無數時間和心機, 令一整個修身過程困難倍增,亦因此出現很多半途而廢的例子。

同時坊間標榜著健康飲食為題餐廳琳琅滿目,再加上十分合理及親民既價錢,可以說是屈指可數,而One Meal 正正是做到以上各樣優點的一間營養餐盒品牌,有見及此 One Meal 團隊希望秉承住以高質食材制作為宗旨,並以色香味俱全新形象推出極高性價比營養餐盒,一改以往昂貴,單一,乏味既健康餐印象。

Let's start your meal plan with One Meal today!

One Meal was founded by professional athletes and nutritionists who share a common philosophy.

In this urban life surrounds is not easy to find a suitable restaurant that uses natural ingredients at an affordable price. Due to this observation that One Meal team has decided to take natural health as the premise and set up the brand One Meal to establish a new and proper attitude towards life.

Whether it is a professional athlete or a professional bodybuilder, or a person who takes self-cultivation as the premise, in addition to exercising, it is essential to pay attention to Diet. Being able to absorb enough natural nutrition will make things more effective. A person with a physique is an inevitable matter. It seems easy, but it requires a specific understanding of ingredients and nutrition, not just avoiding the consumption of carbohydrates or fats.

Most urbanites eat irregular hours due to their busy work and often go out to eat without absorbing enough nutrients and taking in a lot of unnecessary flavourings. Most people may also find it challenging to prepare the food to buy natural materials without absorbing the nutrients the body needs.

One Meal's products use natural imported ingredients without any additional chemicals in the production process. At the same time, the commercial certified freezing technology makes it easier for the consumer to mix different Meals freely. In addition to being convenient to carry, it can also maintain the quality of the food. We can also provide a tailor-made menu for different people, suitable for people from all walks of life. Start with One Meal today. Living in a "Real Life"